All posts by Kakkar Dental


The Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry for Your Oral Health

The Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry for Your Oral Health

When it comes to taking care of our oral health, most of us focus on the basics – brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups. However, there is another aspect of oral health that often gets overlooked – the appearance of our teeth. This is where cosmetic dentistry comes in.


What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry refers to a range of dental treatments that aim to improve the appearance of your teeth and smile. While the primary focus is on aesthetics, cosmetic dentistry can also have numerous benefits for your oral health. Let’s explore some of these benefits:

Improved Self-Confidence

One of the most noticeable benefits of cosmetic dentistry is the boost in self-confidence it can provide. When you have a beautiful smile, you are more likely to feel confident in social situations, at work, and in your personal life. This increased self-confidence can have a positive impact on your overall well-being.

By addressing issues such as stained, crooked, or missing teeth, cosmetic dentistry can help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted. Whether it’s through teeth whitening, dental veneers, or orthodontic treatments, cosmetic dentistry can transform your smile and give you the confidence to show it off.

Enhanced Oral Function

While cosmetic dentistry primarily focuses on improving the appearance of your teeth, many treatments also have functional benefits. For example, dental crowns can restore the shape and strength of a damaged tooth, allowing you to chew and speak properly. Similarly, orthodontic treatments can correct misaligned teeth, improving your bite and overall oral function.

By addressing these functional issues, cosmetic dentistry can help prevent further oral health problems down the line. When your teeth are properly aligned and functioning correctly, it becomes easier to maintain good oral hygiene habits, reducing the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental issues.

Long-Term Oral Health

Investing in cosmetic dentistry can have long-term benefits for your oral health. By addressing issues such as tooth decay, gum disease, or misaligned teeth, you can prevent these problems from worsening and causing further damage. For example, filling a cavity or getting a dental implant can help preserve the health and integrity of the surrounding teeth.

In addition, cosmetic dentistry treatments often require regular maintenance and follow-up appointments. This can encourage you to be more proactive in taking care of your oral health and maintaining good dental hygiene habits. Regular check-ups and cleanings can help detect and prevent any potential issues before they become major problems.

Aesthetically Pleasing Smile

While the functional and long-term benefits of cosmetic dentistry are important, let’s not forget about the aesthetic aspect. Having a beautiful smile can make a significant difference in your overall appearance and how others perceive you.

With advancements in cosmetic dentistry, there are now various treatments available to address specific aesthetic concerns. From teeth whitening to porcelain veneers, you can choose the treatment that best suits your needs and desired outcome. Our dentist in Ashok Vihar can work with you to create a personalized treatment plan to achieve the smile of your dreams.


Cosmetic dentistry offers numerous benefits for both your oral health and overall well-being. From improved self-confidence to enhanced oral function and long-term oral health, investing in cosmetic dentistry can be a worthwhile decision. So, if you’re unhappy with the appearance of your teeth, consider consulting with a cosmetic dentist to explore the treatment options available to you.

gum disease

Understanding Gum Disease and How to Prevent It

Gum Disease: An Overview

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a common oral health condition that affects the gums and supporting structures of the teeth. It is caused by the buildup of plaque, a sticky film of bacteria that forms on the teeth. If left untreated, gum disease can lead to tooth loss and other serious health complications.

The Stages of Gum Disease

Gum disease progresses in stages, starting with gingivitis and advancing to periodontitis. Here’s a breakdown of each stage:


Gingivitis is the earliest stage of gum disease and is characterized by inflammation of the gums. Common symptoms include redness, swelling, and bleeding during brushing or flossing. Fortunately, gingivitis can be reversed with proper oral hygiene and regular dental cleanings.


If left untreated, gingivitis can progress to periodontitis. During this stage, the gums begin to pull away from the teeth, forming pockets that can become infected. As the infection spreads, it can damage the bone and connective tissues that support the teeth. Symptoms of periodontitis include bad breath, receding gums, loose teeth, and changes in the bite. Treatment for periodontitis may involve deep cleaning, medication, or in severe cases, surgery.

Preventing Gum Disease

Preventing gum disease starts with maintaining good oral hygiene practices. Here are some tips to help you keep your gums healthy:


Brush your teeth at least twice a day using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Be sure to brush along the gumline to remove plaque and bacteria. Replace your toothbrush every three to four months or sooner if the bristles become frayed.


Flossing is an essential part of maintaining healthy gums. It helps remove plaque and food particles from between the teeth and along the gumline. Make sure to floss at least once a day, using a gentle back-and-forth motion. If you find traditional floss difficult to use, consider using floss picks or water flossers.

Regular Dental Check-ups

Visit your dentist in Ashok Vihar regularly for check-ups and professional cleanings. Your dentist can detect early signs of gum disease and provide appropriate treatment. They can also offer guidance on proper oral hygiene techniques and recommend any necessary lifestyle changes.

Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can also contribute to gum disease prevention. Avoid smoking or using tobacco products, as they can increase the risk of gum disease. Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and limit your intake of sugary foods and drinks.


Gum disease is a common and preventable oral health condition. By practicing good oral hygiene, visiting your dentist regularly, and making healthy lifestyle choices, you can reduce your risk of developing gum disease. Remember, early detection and treatment are key to maintaining healthy gums and a beautiful smile.

Common Dental Troubles

Common Dental Troubles You Should Never Ignore

Good oral health is essential for overall well-being. Ignoring dental troubles can lead to more serious problems down the line. Here are some common dental issues that should never be ignored:


A toothache is often a sign of an underlying dental problem, such as tooth decay or an infection. Ignoring a toothache can lead to further damage and potential tooth loss. It is important to see a dentist in Ashok Vihar as soon as possible to determine the cause and receive appropriate treatment.

Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums can be a sign of gum disease, which, if left untreated, can lead to tooth loss and other oral health complications. Regular brushing, flossing, and professional cleanings can help prevent and treat gum disease.

Sensitive Teeth

If you experience pain or discomfort when consuming hot or cold foods and beverages, you may have sensitive teeth. This could be due to tooth enamel erosion or gum recession. Ignoring sensitive teeth can lead to more serious dental issues, so it is important to discuss this with your dentist.

Mouth Sores

Mouth sores that do not heal within two weeks should be evaluated by a dentist. They could be a sign of oral cancer or other serious conditions. Early detection is key to successful treatment.

Bad Breath

Chronic bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be a sign of underlying dental problems, such as gum disease or tooth decay. Regular dental check-ups and proper oral hygiene can help address the issue and improve your breath.

Remember, prevention is better than cure when it comes to dental health. Regular dental check-ups and maintaining good oral hygiene habits can help prevent many dental troubles. If you experience any of these common dental issues, it is important to seek professional dental care to address the problem before it worsens.

dental checkups

The Importance of Regular Dental Checkups

Regular dental checkups are a crucial component of maintaining good oral health and overall well-being. These routine visits to your dentist offer numerous benefits that go beyond just ensuring a bright smile. Let’s explore why regular dental checkups are so important:

Early Detection of Dental Issues:

One of the primary reasons for regular dental checkups is to catch dental problems early. Many oral health issues, such as cavities, gum disease, and oral cancers, may not present noticeable symptoms in their early stages. Dentists have the expertise and tools to detect these problems before they become more severe and require more extensive and expensive treatments.

Preventing Tooth Decay and Gum Disease:

Professional dental cleanings are an essential part of routine checkups. Even with excellent oral hygiene practices at home, plaque and tartar can build up over time. Dental hygienists can remove these deposits, reducing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

Oral Cancer Detection:

Dentists are trained to identify the early signs of oral cancer, which can be life-threatening if left untreated. Regular checkups often include oral cancer screenings, ensuring that any suspicious changes in your oral tissues are identified promptly.

Maintaining Overall Health:

Dental health is closely linked to overall health. Poor oral hygiene and untreated dental issues can contribute to systemic health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory issues. Regular dental checkups can help prevent these potential complications.

Preserving Your Smile:

Your smile is a vital aspect of your self-esteem and social well-being. Regular dental checkups help ensure that your teeth and gums remain in good condition, allowing you to maintain a confident and attractive smile.

Personalized Oral Health Advice:

Dentists can provide tailored advice on oral hygiene practices, diet, and lifestyle choices that can improve your oral health. This guidance is invaluable in preventing future dental problems.

Saving Time and Money:

Treating dental issues in their early stages is typically less expensive and less invasive than waiting until they become more severe. Regular checkups can save you both time and money in the long run.

Addressing Dental Anxiety:

For those who experience dental anxiety, regular checkups can help build a trusting relationship with your dentist. This can make future visits more comfortable and less anxiety-inducing.

In conclusion, regular dental checkups are essential for maintaining good oral health and overall well-being. They provide early detection and prevention of dental issues, contribute to better overall health, and help you preserve your smile. Don’t wait until you have noticeable dental problems; schedule and attend regular dental checkups to ensure a healthy and happy mouth. Our dentist in Ashok Vihar can work with you to create a personalized dental care plan that suits your specific needs and goals.

oral health

Exploring Oral Health and Overall Well-being

Oral health plays a significant role in our overall well-being. It’s not just about having a bright smile and fresh breath; it’s about maintaining the health of our teeth, gums, and mouth, which can impact our physical, mental, and social health in various ways. Let’s delve into the connection between oral health and overall well-being.

1. Physical Health:

a. Nutrition: Our ability to chew and digest food effectively starts with good oral health. Dental problems, like missing teeth or gum disease, can make it difficult to eat a balanced diet, potentially leading to nutritional deficiencies.

b. Cardiovascular Health: There is growing evidence of a link between gum disease (periodontitis) and heart disease. Inflammation and infection in the mouth may contribute to the development of cardiovascular issues.

c. Respiratory Health: Oral infections can lead to respiratory problems when bacteria from the mouth are inhaled into the lungs, causing pneumonia or exacerbating existing lung conditions.

d. Diabetes: Diabetes and gum disease often go hand-in-hand. Poorly managed diabetes can lead to more severe oral health issues, while gum disease can make it harder to control blood sugar levels.

2. Mental Health:

a. Self-esteem: The appearance of our teeth can significantly impact our self-esteem. Dental problems can lead to feelings of embarrassment and self-consciousness, affecting mental well-being.

b. Pain and Discomfort: Oral health issues like toothaches can cause chronic pain and discomfort, leading to stress, anxiety, and even depression.

c. Cognitive Function: Some studies suggest a potential link between poor oral health and cognitive decline in older adults. Chronic inflammation from gum disease may contribute to cognitive issues.

3. Social Well-being:

a. Social Confidence: A healthy smile can boost confidence and ease social interactions, which are crucial for our overall happiness and well-being.

b. Communication: Oral health affects our ability to speak clearly and communicate effectively, which is essential for building relationships and succeeding in various aspects of life.

4. Preventive Measures:

a. Regular Dental Check-ups: Visiting a dentist in Ashok Vihar for regular check-ups and cleanings is crucial in maintaining oral health. Early detection and treatment of issues can prevent them from becoming more severe.

b. Oral Hygiene: Daily oral hygiene practices, such as brushing and flossing, are fundamental for preventing dental problems.

c. Healthy Lifestyle: A balanced diet, staying hydrated, and avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption all contribute to good oral health.

In conclusion, oral health is intricately linked to our overall well-being. Neglecting oral health can have far-reaching consequences, impacting not only physical health but also mental and social aspects of our lives. Taking proactive steps to care for our teeth and gums is an investment in our overall quality of life. Regular dental check-ups, good oral hygiene habits, and a healthy lifestyle are key components of maintaining optimal oral health and, by extension, overall well-being.

dental checkup

The Importance of Regular Dental Check-ups: A Smile’s Best Friend

A Bright Smile Starts with Regular Dental Check-ups

Maintaining good oral health is essential for a radiant smile that lights up the room. Regular dental check-ups play a crucial role in achieving this, as they are the foundation of excellent oral hygiene. A healthy mouth not only boosts your confidence but also contributes to overall well-being. Let’s explore the significance of regular dental check-ups and how they can be your smile’s best friend.

Preventing Dental Issues with Consistent Check-ups

One of the primary benefits of regular dental check-ups is the prevention of dental problems before they become major issues. Dentist in Ashok Vihar can detect early signs of cavities, gum disease, and other oral conditions that might go unnoticed. By addressing these concerns promptly, you can avoid painful procedures and expensive treatments down the road.

The Power of Professional Dental Cleaning

Even with regular brushing and flossing, plaque and tartar can accumulate on your teeth over time. Professional dental cleaning during check-ups ensures that these harmful substances are effectively removed. This not only enhances the appearance of your teeth but also reduces the risk of developing dental problems.

Detecting Oral Cancer Early

Oral cancer is a serious condition that can be life-threatening if not caught early. During dental check-ups, dentists also conduct screenings for oral cancer. Early detection significantly increases the chances of successful treatment. Your dentist in Pitampura can identify any suspicious signs and recommend further evaluation if necessary.

Tailored Oral Health Advice

Every individual’s oral health needs are unique. During regular dental check-ups, dentists can provide personalized advice and recommendations based on your specific dental condition. Whether it’s improving your brushing technique or suggesting specific dental products, their guidance can help you maintain optimal oral health.

Building a Positive Relationship with Your Dentist

Visiting the best dentist in Ashok Vihar regularly allows you to build a positive and trustworthy relationship with your dental care provider. This rapport can ease any dental anxiety or fear you might have, making each visit a comfortable and stress-free experience.

The Financial Advantage of Regular Check-ups

Some people might avoid dental check-ups due to perceived costs. However, regular check-ups can save you money in the long run. Detecting and treating dental problems early prevents them from escalating into more extensive and costly procedures. Investing in preventive care now can lead to significant savings on dental treatments later.

Embracing a Confident Smile

Beyond the health benefits, regular dental check-ups can help you embrace a confident smile. A clean, healthy mouth contributes to a sparkling smile that boosts self-esteem and enhances social interactions. Whether you’re at work, socializing with friends, or meeting new people, a beautiful smile can leave a lasting positive impression.

Transitioning to a Lifetime of Healthy Smiles

In conclusion, regular dental check-ups are more than just routine visits to the dentist. They are the foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles and overall well-being. By preventing dental issues, detecting problems early, and maintaining a strong relationship with your dentist, you can enjoy the many benefits of a confident and radiant smile.

So, don’t forget to schedule your next dental check-up and let your smile’s best friend take care of your oral health journey!

pain after root canal

Pain after a root canal: is it normal?

Root Canal is a dental treatment that seeks to clean and disinfect the inside of the tooth. This is a process commonly known as killing the nerve.

Although the intervention is minimally invasive, performed under local anaesthesia and its result is successful, it is normal to experience some pain after a root canal.

pain after root canal

When is endodontics necessary?

A root canal is performed with the aim of saving a severely damaged tooth, due to deep decay, trauma or advanced periodontitis. This causes a series of reactions such as the following:

  • Dental sensitivity: before contact with hot or cold food and even when chewing.
  • Pain: is the main symptom. It is a discomfort that can be both intermittent and constant, but that does not diminish with the passing of the days.
  • Color change: a sudden color change, especially if it occurs after a blow, can also be a sign that the tooth needs endodontic treatment.
  • Appearance of fistulas: that is, a lump with pus in the gum.

Any of these symptoms could be indicative that a root canal is necessary, but in case of any suspicion, we recommend that you go to our dental clinic in Ashok Vihar so that they can make a proper diagnosis.

Causes of pain after a root canal

As we have already explained, during the intervention it is not likely that you will suffer discomfort, since local anaesthesia is applied.

However, in the following days, it is normal and common to suffer pain after a root canal, since during the root canal treatment in Ashok Vihar the pulp of the tooth is extracted, that is, the inner part of the dental piece.

This causes inflammation of the tissues surrounding the endodontic tooth, which gives rise to pain. Therefore, we must understand that it is normal and common in the recovery process.

This pain may be different in each patient, but the fact that it persists after a few days could be indicative of complications. For example, it is possible that the root canal did not completely eliminate the infection.

The reasons why this occurs can be several, such as that the root canals have not been cleaned properly or that the sealing has not been carried out correctly and the bacteria have re-entered.

It may also happen that, during the procedure, the isolation of the tooth to be endodontic has not been carried out properly. As a consequence, microorganisms from the outside have accessed the inside of the tooth.

In short, there are several reasons why pain can appear after a root canal. Some are normal and others may indicate the existence of complications. Therefore, it is essential to go to the dentist in Ashok Vihar if the pain and discomfort do not decrease with the passing of the days.

How long does it take for the pain to disappear after a root canal?

As a general rule, pain after a root canal usually disappears in a period of between three and seven days.

If the pain is very intense, the dentist can prescribe analgesic medication. In any case, the discomfort and pain should disappear within seven days. If this does not happen, it is necessary to consult with the dentist.

It is normal for a certain degree of pain to appear after a root canal, although it should disappear as the days go by.

How to calm the pain of a tooth with endodontics?

If we notice that the endodontic tooth hurts us, there are a series of tips and recommendations that we can follow to reduce the discomfort :

  • First of all, taking analgesics and anti-inflammatories will help us reduce pain and inflammation. If deemed necessary, the dentist may also prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection.
  • When brushing your teeth, it is advisable to use a soft bristle brush and be especially careful with the painful area.
  • Place a cold compress or something that simulates it, such as a cold cloth or a piece of ice on the cheek, in the area where the root canal has been performed. Leave it on for five minutes and, if after that time the pain continues, apply it again every 15 minutes.
  • Avoid hard foods during the first days, as well as very cold or hot foods, as they cause sensitivity.
  • In the case of bruxists, it is especially necessary that they use their discharge splint. If they grind or clench their teeth at night, the sensation of pain will increase.

How do I know if I have an infection after a root canal?

As we have already explained, if the pain after a root canal lasts longer than usual, it may be a symptom of an infection.

In addition to discomfort in the endodontically treated tooth, other symptoms that may alert that the treatment has not worked are hypersensitivity when chewing or palpating or hitting the treated area, accompanied by inflammation of the gums.

If this happens, it would be necessary to assess the possibility of performing the endodontics again, that is, of performing a re-endodontics.

In the event that this is not possible due to a poor prognosis of the dental piece, it would be possible to extract the tooth and place an implant.

However, it may still be too early to worry about it. If you are experiencing pain after a root canal, the first thing is to assess how many days have passed since the procedure.

If you are within the seven-day window and the pain decreases with painkillers, you may be in a normal situation.

On the other hand, if a week has already passed, we recommend you consult your dentist or go to any of our dental clinics to be checked by a dentist in Model Town. In case you need a second opinion, we can assist you with a consultation.

Of course, once you have solved the problem, we recommend that you do not forget basic oral care, which in a large number of cases avoids the need for a root canal: go to the dentist for check-ups at least once a year and brush your teeth after each meal.

Likewise, it is essential to have a professional dental cleaning at least once a year, so that we prevent cavities and, therefore, avoid subsequent treatments such as endodontics.

Dental Clinic in Keshav Puram

Dental Clinic in Keshav Puram

Delhi is not a just a capital of India but one gets an opportunity to get the best and cost-effective dental treatment done by best dentist in Delhi. Dental clinic in Keshav Puram, Delhi work with the mission to give their patient a beautiful smile for their lifetime. Dentist in Keshav Puram, Delhi not only works for general dental treatments but are also focused on cosmetic dental treatment. You can also get expert advice from an experienced dentist in Delhi before proceeding for any dental treatment as our teeth are one of the main attractions on our face. They can make or break the aesthetics of our face.

dental clinic in Keshav Puram

A smile is one of the best tools for attracting people’s attention. It should perfect or else it can’t achieve the expected effect. Dental clinic in Keshav Puram makes your smile perfectly attractive through the following treatments given as per the need and requirement of a patient.


Braces are used for straightening the crooked teethes. They are placed over the patient’s teeth for a year or long. But before going for braces, make sure what type of braces will going to affect your teeth.

  • Brackets that are bonded to the front of the teeth, which are most typical for children.
  • Brackets that are bonded to the back of the teeth.
  • Metal bands that wrap around the teeth.

Teeth Whitening:

Will you be attracted to a person smiling with yellow teeth? No. If you think that teeth whitening toothpaste will make your teeth shine like a pearl then definitely you are living in some kind of myth as they don’t work in the extreme cases. Yellow teeth can be caused due to consumption of too much coffee, tobacco, or it can be the stains of plaque. Best Dentist in Keshav Puram offers teeth whitening treatments that can give you a pearly smile.

Tooth filling:

Well, technically, this does not affect the aesthetics of your face because a hole in your tooth won’t be seen when you smile. It can, however, affect the aesthetics of your mouth-not to mention your well-being. If tooth filling treatment is not taken on time then this can leave you with horrible bad breaths.

Get Best Dental Services in Delhi Under One Roof

Get Best Dental Services in Delhi Under One Roof

Looking for the best dentist in Delhi? Well, I think you have landed to a right page, as Dr. Atul Kakkar offers state of the art dental services in Ashok Vihar, Keshav Puram, Shalimar Bagh and Model Town, Delhi. His clinic is famous for offering quality oral health to patients.


Have you ever imagined that what will you do if your teeth stop working? I think no, but without the teeth, you cannot enjoy any food. Teeth are one of the important organs of our body. Without oral health, we cannot enjoy eating delicious food and various recipes.

Like you, there are many patients who had already get treatment from Dr. Atul Kakkar’s clinic and enjoying their life. He offers exclusive dental services in Delhi including Ashok Vihar, Keshav Puram, Shalimar Bagh and Model Town.

We value our patient’s requirements and provide world-class oral health in Delhi. For this, we have hired professional, talented and expert dental experts in our clinic. They are not only professional, but very friendly and can help you guide the right treatment available in the city. They are serving from many years and know, what is best for you.

Whether you are looking for dental surgery, dental implant or Root canal treatment in Keshav Puram, they will listen your problem well and then guide for the affordable and effective treatment.

Dr. Atul Kakkar is known to offer cost-effective yet advanced dental services to its patients. His services are available under one roof and include root canal, dental implant in Keshav Puram, dental surgery, dental braces, swelling in gums, tooth extraction; bad smell from mouth, Puss in gums, dental veneer, dental bridge etc.

Now, this is the time when you should book an appointment to Dr. Atul Kakkar. For this call him or drop an email, so that you can save time by online appointment.

Dental Clinic in Model Town for Having Perfect Dental Health

Dental Clinic in Model Town for Having Perfect Dental Health

People generally do not give much importance to dental health care. Majority of the people are afraid of going to the dentist, but this carelessness could result in severe dental problems in future. A large majority of dentist in Model Town, Delhi believe that overall health of a person largely depends on his/her dental health. The ability of our teeth to chew and our mouth to swallow our food is important for acquiring nutrients. If we do not take good care of our teeth, this in turn will affect our overall health. By following some simple ways it is easy to maintain strong teeth.

Proper brushing of teeth is one of the easiest ways one can follow. Brushing and flossing your teeth regularly in a proper manner can save you from cavities and gum diseases. Use of various mouth care products can also supplement the dental health.

Diet also plays an important role in oral health. Unhealthy foods, higher intake of sugar substances, alcohol, smoking etc. all are the key reasons of cavities.

Regular visits to a dentist can help you find solutions for you dental problems at an early stage. Dental clinic in model town provides the appropriate and best solution for dental problems. It is always advisable to cure the problems at starting phase rather than experiencing a painful treatment.

Visit Dr. Atul Kakar’s Clinic to have perfect dental health within your budget.